How to develop a
colour scheme:
whether that be for
the interior
decoration of a
whole room; or for a
single project.
Find an object - rug, picture, ornament, piece of
clothing etc. - which you find really appealing.
2. Have a really, really good look at its colours.
3. Analyse the colour scheme of the object by
noting down which colours appear in terms of
percentage eg 40% light blue, 25% deep blue,
15% red, 15% green, 5% white. (You don’t need
to be that exact, just a rough idea will do.)
4. From a selection of all your craft materials,
collect those which match your colours.
5. Create on cardstock a square, 3” and then divide
this into 9 equal 1” squares.
6. From your various materials - paint, papers,
fabrics etc., cut 9 x 1” squares.
7. You don’t need to stick to the exact ratio of your
original object. Try different combinations of
placing your small squares on the grid until
you’re happy with the combination.
8. You can embellish the squares as you wish, with
stamps, sequins, threads etc. If you decide to
embroider any of them, it should be done at this
9. Glue the squares onto the grid firmly. If you
have any cardstock showing through gaps, then
simply fill in with coloured pencils or pens. Use to embellish cards, on the lids of boxes etc.
Of course, you can vary the size of both the inner
and outer squares. You could also try joining and/
or expanding some of them.
Using the same principles, and thinking on a broader scale, you could, for instance, decorate a whole room with your colours. Remember - if you loved the original and follow the steps, you can't fail to be satisfied with the results.
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